Which ISO Setting Should I Use?
What ISO setting should you use for everyday photography?
There is no simple answer, but have a look at the following responses to decide what is best for you:
"I usually use ISO 100, but if I realise I can’t hold the camera still I increase the ISO or use a tripod"
"I most usually shoot at ISO 100, 200 and occasionally ISO 400. It annoys me that there is slight noise when I zoom on the PC. In reality you won't see it"
"I start at 100, and work up until I get a reasonable shutter speed that I feel I can cope with"
"I set the camera at 200 in good weather and 400 in bad"
"In bad light I don’t go below 400"
"Inside, I start at 400, then go to 800 or more when needed. Outside I start at 100"
"If I tend to get camera shake I increase the ISO till everything is OK"
"In fully automatic mode my camera does this itself"
"I find I use 100 rarely. I prefer to go for a higher ISO to get faster shutter speeds"
So, you can see that the ISO setting is dependent upon the conditions and upon personal preferences. Experiment to find the settings that work best for you.
Eric Hartwell runs the photography resource site http://www.theshutter.co.uk and the associated discussion forums as well as the regular weblog at http://thephotographysite.blogspot.com
Labels: iso_power_torrent, linux_iso_download, play_station_iso, ps2_iso, psx_iso, so_15189, ultra_iso, x_box_iso