ISO Certification


Monday, February 11, 2008

ISO 9000 Procedures

The basic ISO 9000 procedures include document control procedure, records procedure, internal audit procedure, control of non-conformance procedure, corrective action procedure, and preventive action procedure. Documentation is a basis upon which an ISO-compliant quality system is constructed. An unauthorized change in any information makes problems. Your mandatory document control procedure must define how you approve documents, update and re-approve amended documents, prevent the inadvertent use of obsolete documents, and ensure that documents are available where they are needed.

A mandatory records procedure is needed to specify which records are kept, by whom, for how long and how they are disposed of. These records include the records of sales activities, internal audit results and follow-up actions, results of corrective action, records of design and development reviews and any related actions, records to demonstrate the validation of special processes, and records of the product nonconformities and any subsequent actions.

An internal audit procedure requires resources such as criteria, scope, program frequency, method, report results, and keep records. The non-conformance procedure has to address how you deal any problems.

In a corrective action procedure, you should see how you decide the cause of the problem, review non-conformance and customer complaints, and decide an appropriate course of action to stop the recurring problem. With preventive action procedure, you take steps that should see how you decide the potential cause of the problem, review potential problems, and decide an appropriate course of action to stop the problem occurring.

The process of achieving ISO 9000 certification can be intimidating because it requires several procedures to follow. The instructions regarding standards and certification are written in such a way that most of us can hardly recognize what they are saying. Luckily, there are several specialists available to assist in the process.

ISO 9000 provides detailed information on ISO 9000, ISO 9000 Standards, ISO 9000 Software, ISO 9000 Consulting and more. ISO 9000 is affiliated with Home Inspections.

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